Our lab uncovers the molecular mechanisms that drive life at the level of single molecules.
We study the dynamic processes of RNA degradation, targeting, and translation in bacterial systems and explore the interactions between bacteria and their phages.

.Lab Members

Ewelina Małecka, PhD
Ewelina Małecka, PhDHeademalecka@iimcb.gov.pl
Maciej Dylewski, PhD
Maciej Dylewski, PhDPostdoctoral researchermdylewski@iimcb.gov.pl
Maxim Serdakov
Maxim SerdakovPhD Studentmserdakov@iimcb.gov.pl
Anna Sobocińska, PhD
Anna Sobocińska, PhDLaboratory Support Specialistasobocinska@iimcb.gov.pl

.Lates News